Who we are

Ballycanew- Ballyoughter Community Development Association:

Was established arising out of a public meeting in Ballycanew Hall on the 16th October 2014. The objective of the Association is to establish what the needs and expectations of the community are and how people would like to see the Ballycanew/Ballyoughter area develop over the next 5-10 years. Our aim is to develop facilities and projects in line with the community’s needs, for the benefit of all sectors of the community.  This work will be carried out in co-operation with existing local organizations.

Our approach

Our Vision
The availability and ease of access to recreation, amenity and open space facilities Is an important factor in maintaining the area as an attractive place to live and visit.

It is important that all members of the community including children, older people and people with specific design needs continue to have access to high quality public open space, recreational and sporting facilities in order to maintain and enhance their quality of life.

Community Involvement
BASIC POLICY, As a responsible Group, the Ballycanew-Ballyoughter Community Development Association will actively promote community involvement and other social activities.

When engaging in community activities, the Development Association will select themes of activities that suit the culture, social preference of the entire community. Based on this, the Development Association aims to take the best action available, such as collaboration with communities and related Schemes (Such as the Artist in the Community). The Development Association will also work to encourage and support members of the Community to individually take part in community involvement and other social activities on their own initiative.

Working with
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